Q: Is allowing Ad Permissions safe?
Yes! Your partnering brands and agencies will not be able to see any of your account information, or any information about previous collaborations you have participated in.
Visit How do we protect your data privacy? for further information on our privacy practices.
Q: How is allowing Ad Permissions different to linking my Social Accounts?
- Ad Permissions are specific to dark posts or ads only; providing these permissions will give another party the ability to publish ads through your social media profile via their Meta Ads Manager account.
- Linking your Facebook and Instagram account(s) allows your partnering brand or agency to on pull content and real-time metrics for campaigns that you're participating in.
Q: What are "dark posts"?
When allowing Ad Permissions, the brand or agency that you're collaborating with will gain limited access to create a dark post.
Dark posts will not appear in your feed. Instead, they'll be shown to a targeted audience through Facebook Ads.
Q: Why do I have to log in twice with Facebook? Once when linking my account, and once again to allow Ad Permissions?
Logging in twice ensures that your data is secure, and also provides transparency in the permissions that you are granting to your business partners with each step.