If you're expecting payment for your participation in a campaign, please provide the information listed in:
- Section I,
- Section II or Section III (not both)
Note: Visit our FAQs about Payments for information on timelines and how you can check your current payment status.
Section I: General Information
- Name
- Email address
- Signed W-9 (US) or W-8BEN (International)
- Bank account (Section II) or PayPal information (Section III)
Section II: Bank Account
- First and last name – enter exactly as it appears in your bank account
- Name of the financial institution
- Routing number
- Account number (checking account only)
Warning: If selecting payment through a bank account, please provide a checking account only. Submitting information for a savings account will delay the process.
Section III: PayPal
- PayPal email
- First name registered in PayPal
- Last name registered in PayPal