When you try to open an invite link from a partnering brand or agency, you will either be required to log in to your Creator Dashboard using a username and password combination or complete an extra email verification before you can access secure pages, such as your:
- Link Accounts page
- Campaign Details page
- Payment Onboarding page
- Onboarding Questionnaire
This step helps us ensure that we're keeping your personal information safe!
How does 2-step email verification work?
- A partnering brand or agency sends you a link via email or DM
- When you click on this link, you'll be directed to the below page letting you know that an access link has been sent to the email address that is stored on file for you:
- You can either can use the access link from the verification email, or copy and paste the access code to the verification page above
- Once verification is complete, you'll be automatically directed to the relevant page to complete the task requested by your partnering brand or agency
- Once you've verified your identity on a device, you'll be able to skip the 2-step email verification process for the next 24 hours. If you try opening the invite link from a different device, or after the 24 hours have passed, you'll be prompted to complete verification again.
What do I do if I can't get a verification code?
If you're having trouble completing the 2-step email verification, here are a few things you can try:
- Check the email address on file: When you open an invite link, you should be able to see a partially redacted version of the email that your partnering brand or agency has on file for you. If you do not recognize the email or no longer have access to that email inbox to retrieve your access link, please reach out to your Campaign Manager to have your email address updated.
- Check your spam or junk folder: If the email address looks correct, but you haven't seen your verification email come through, try checking your Spam or Junk folder - there's always a chance the email wasn't sorted correctly!
- Request a new access link: You can click Didn't get it? Resend the access link button on the verification page to request a new access link. Note that each access link expires after 10 minutes. Note that there is a maximum number of times that you can request a new access link within an hour. If you've reached this maximum, we recommend waiting for an hour and trying again later.